


Fusuma are a type of sliding door used as a seperation between 2 rooms or as a closet door. They are opaque and are usually covered with a decorative paper, run in a top and bottom track, and are very light weight.

They are normally used as pairs, or as pairs of pairs. The borders on Fusuma are wood and you may select natural western cedar, dark brown stained western cedar or satin black lacquered. Prices quoted are for use as closet doors, i.e. they include your choice of decorative paper for the face and a decorative backing paper. When Fusuma is used as a door between rooms, you can choose a decorative paper for both sides with a modest additional charge.


Another beautiful decorative element to Fusuma are the door pulls or “Hikite”.
CTT Furniture has in stock a large and diversified collection of Hikite, as well as the ability to provide very fine samples of handmade Hikite. All are made in Kyoto, Japan.

A few notes about Fusuma…
The hand made papers are usually about 37″ (96CM) wide by 72-1/2″ (185CM) high. It is best to try not to exceed the maximum door width of 39″ (with rails) and the maximum height of 81″ (with rails). It is possible to exceed these with a few papers and also to use a creative assembly of papers or colored band or wood inset to achieve western door sizes.

We also offer plain white handmade paper doors for tea room doors. These usually do not have Hikite, rather a special cut in type of pull. By custom order, we will make Jibukuro and Tenbukuro Fusuma doors, for special application in the Chigaidana area.

All Fusuma Papers shown below are standard, however the images may not correctly represent true color.